A/B testing comparison on computer screen.
Oct 05, 2023 | Shopping & Feeds

Title Testing Google Shopping Ads for Increased Performance

Have you ever searched for a product on Google and noticed the eye-catching pictures that pop up at the top of the search engine results page? These are Google Shopping Ads, an extremely powerful tool for online retailers to competitively showcase their products and hopefully, boost online sales.

Google search results for green sweater shopping.

In this blog post, we’re going to talk about the importance of Google Shopping before focusing on one strategy that holds the potential to positively impact ad performance – title testing. As a top Google Ads agency, we rely on them heavily at Socium!

The Importance of Google Shopping for Online Retailers

Unlike other Google channels (such as Display and Search), Google Shopping allows retailers to highlight each product individually. Further, brands can occupy multiple spots within the Shopping carousel, allowing customers to easily window shop and explore various products from the same retailer right from the SERP (search engine results page).

With 1.2 billion monthly searches, Google Shopping has earned a reputation for driving higher quality clicks at a lower spend. We recently worked with a major fashion brand to migrate their Google campaigns from Smart Shopping to Performance Max. As a result, we saw a 40% lower cost-per-click (CPC) and a 35% boost in traffic (time frame: Q1 YoY). Needless to say, our client was thrilled we transitioned them to Performance Max campaigns prior to the forced migration!

The Significance of Well-Optimized Product Titles in Google Shopping Ads

Now that we’ve covered why Google Shopping ads are beneficial for online retailers, let’s talk about the algorithm that powers them.

Google’s algorithm analyzes Google Shopping product titles to help determine which search queries would be most relevant for the ad in question. The closer the product title is to the search query, the better the search visibility will be, aiding in potentially higher CTRs (click-through rates) and CVRs (conversion rates).

Let’s walk through a scenario together. Imagine you’re a retailer that sells shoes online, and you launch a Google Shopping ad. Your product title contains the shoe’s product name and brand name. Shortly after, somebody searches online for a “Blue wedged heel women’s size 8,” which aligns with the item listed in your Shopping ad. Unfortunately, this particular search query wouldn’t land on your shopping ad because your product title didn’t contain any key product attributes, just the product and brand name.

But how do you know which attributes to include? There is a character count, after all… This is where title testing comes into play!

The Significance of Product Title Testing for Google Shopping Feeds

Title testing (also known as A|B testing) is an essential tool to determine the most effective and efficient product titles. Sometimes, the attributes retailers believe will boost ad performance may not necessarily resonate with online consumers.

We recently ran two very telling title tests for one of our clients, a popular women’s health brand.

Shopping Title Test Results Comparison Chart.

On our first test, we added in a relevant key attribute to our product title (for the sake of this example, let’s say we added the phrase “Formulated By Doctors”). By adding “Formulated By Doctors”, we drove 74% more clicks to the site at an increased click-through rate, which meant not only did it attract more clicks, but the clicks were more qualified, too. And best of all, the addition of this attribute drove 98% more orders!

Shopping Title Test Results Comparison Table.

For our second test, we took the attribute from our first test (“Formulated By Doctors”) and put it up against a new attribute (“Organic Ingredients”). “Organic Ingredients” outperformed our previous test attribute “Formulated By Doctors” test with 104% more clicks and 152% more revenue. 

This title test illustrated how specific product attributes can significantly influence consumer response (and sometimes, in ways you might not expect!).

Best Practices for Creating Effective Product Titles

Before you jump in and add new attributes to your Google Shopping ads, let’s look at some best practices! 

Consider the brand’s point of view. Before diving into specific product attributes, consider the brand’s unique selling points and value statements.  Testing attributes that reflect the brand’s core values can have a long-term positive impact. For example, if the brand is known for offering organic products, including “organic” in the product titles can resonate with consumers and reinforce the brand’s identity. 

Prioritize important product attributes. What are the most critical attributes of your products that consumers will likely search for? For example, if you’re an online shoe retailer, you’d want to include essential details in the product title, such as shoe size, gender, and type of shoe. And if you want to go the extra mile, include bonus attributes such as the shoe material! 

Adhere to Google policies. Google Shopping titles are limited to 150 characters, so always make sure your titles are concise and within the character limit! If you’re under 150 characters, refrain from adding misleading information or extra words to fill the space (this is called “title” stuffing). Google’s algorithm prefers quality over quantity.

Incorporate brand names and product identifiers. When possible, include brand names and specific product identifiers (such as item number, make/model, etc.) in the titles to improve visibility and relevance.

Investing time in title testing for Google Shopping feeds is crucial for online retailers. By following best practices, conducting A/B tests, and staying updated with Google Shopping policies, you can optimize your product titles for higher click-through rates, conversions, and long-term business growth. Remember, continually testing and refining your product titles is the key to success in this ever-changing online market! Do you have any suggestions for running title tests in Google Shopping? Share them below!

Stay tuned for a Title Testing 2.0 post where I’ll walk through the step-by-step process of setting up a test in DataFeedWatch!

Rachel Janowsky
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