Gillian Ramos Socium Spotlight.
Mar 27, 2023 | Company News

Socium Spotlight: Gillian Ramos

You’ve probably heard us say that people aren’t Socium’s most important asset; the right people are Socium’s most important asset. That’s why we started our Socium Spotlight series, where we shine a light on the diverse and unique personalities that make up the Socium team.

For this month’s Socium Spotlight, we’re excited to feature our Copywriting & Content Marketing Manager, Gillian Ramos!

What made you choose this career path?
I’ve always been a writer and editor, but marketing came later. My first job in the industry was a friend’s referral, and it’s been hands-on learning ever since. I’m very lucky to be in a position where I can use my creative skills everyday and see tangible results.

Looking back on your first day at Socium, how did your expectations compare to the reality of your role?
Since content is a newer offering, this has been an opportunity to create the realities of the role. I knew I’d be walking through a wide-open door and have everyone’s trust and support to build something meaningful. My experience has definitely lived up to that first impression.

What made Socium stand out when you were looking for your next adventure?
This felt like the perfect alignment of skills and responsibilities from my previous job and a chance to try some new ideas. Everyone I met during interviews was enthusiastic about launching content in a sustainable, scalable way. And it means a lot to hear leaders say, “This is new to us, so we need you to tell us how this should work.”

Finish this sentence: ‘You can learn a lot about Socium by looking at its _____.’
Team, hands down. Everyone here cares deeply about their work, and there’s a lot of respect for the expertise people bring, regardless of their title or level. Collaboration and peer learning are huge parts of our success, and everyone genuinely appreciates one another’s contributions.

How did you find yourself in the marketing/advertising industry?
My previous company did SEO/SEM for small and midsize businesses. I started as a freelance content writer, moved in-house as an editor, and advanced to become a managing editor. I led a team of in-house writers and editors and loved seeing them develop and grow professionally.

What did you use to daydream about being when you grew up?
Marketing wasn’t part of a grand life plan, but I’ve had the good fortune of working with people who saw my skills and potential. It can be hard to find a practical outlet for creative skills, but marketing has turned out to be a great fit. People might not always have the words to describe great content, but they know it when they read it.

What’s a memorable campaign you’ve worked on for a client and why?
This is a broadly applicable win for our content clients: Rising keyword rankings and showing up as featured snippets on Google. From an SEO perspective, getting collection page copy onto an ecommerce site can pay off quickly, and publishing blog content regularly keeps the momentum going.

What kind of approach do you take when working with clients?
My first step is to look at a client’s website to see what they’ve already published and where there might be gaps or room for improvement. Then, I look at our keyword research to identify other content opportunities and develop some preliminary briefs. If we need to create other types of content, that’s usually a full SEO team effort. We then work with a talented crew of freelance writers to get it all done.

What piece of advice would you offer fellow digital marketers?
Maintain your relationships. You never know when you’ll come across an opportunity and realize you know the perfect person for the job—or when you’ll be responsible for creating that opportunity and finding the perfect person for it.

What do you do outside of work?
I’ve been knitting for about the past 10 years and have learned that collecting yarn and actually using it are two very different hobbies. I also love cooking and baking, visiting museums, reading, and working on creative writing projects.

Cats or dogs (or other!)?
Cats! Anyone who’s been on calls with me has met Marty at some point. His bowties and climbing skills are also regular features in our #pets channel.

If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?
Have a plan. It doesn’t have to be THE plan. You can always adjust it as you go and learn more.

Thank you, Gillian, for working with us on this month’s Socium Spotlight!



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